Focus Europe present at #mce2023 which takes place in Tuscany.

Focus Europe is present in Prato, from 25 to 27 October, at the annual assembly “Major Cities of Europe”.
Present were Dr. Francesco Gagliardi and the Board of Directors Dr. Efisio De Muru.
The assembly brings together, in addition to public administrations, IT and public innovation managers.
Focus Europe is present at the event in a dual role: representative and technical. In fact, Focus Europe participates as a representative of the network of "European Territories" and as a partner of the consortium of "CS Aware-next", co-financier of #mce2023 .
The motto of the annual event, which addresses key issues related to the changes and developments in the transformation of local community governance and the importance and role of technologies in achieving these transformations is: “A loom with a view – weaving the digital future of communities, cities and regions”