International Collaboration for Environmental Protection thanks to the project funded by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia

The planning and institutional visit to Sidi Bouzid is underway, as part of the project " Support for Young People and the Municipality of Sidi Bouzid in Waste Collection and the Development of Recycling in Tunisia ", co-financed by the Autonomous Region of Sardinia under LR Sardinia N.19/1996.
The delegation, composed of Massimo D'Agostino , President of the Union of Municipalities of Meilogu (Project Leader), Sabrina Sassu , Mayor of Cossoine and member of the assembly of the Union of Municipalities of Meilogu, Francesco Basciu , Mayor of Banari and member of the assembly of the Union of Municipalities of Meilogu, and Giuseppe Cappai , Councilor delegated to International Relations of the Municipality of Sant'Andrea Frius (Project Partner), met with representatives of the Municipality and the Governorate of Sidi Bouzid on the occasion of World Environment Day to discuss future collaboration strategies.
The project, in addition to providing direct support to the Municipality of Sidi Bouzid in the collection and management of urban waste, has completed nine awareness-raising meetings in Tunisian schools on environmental issues and waste collection. The schools themselves will be involved tomorrow (June 6) in collection and cleaning activities in some neighborhoods of Sidi Bouzid.
A visit by the Tunisian delegation to the Meilogu and Gerrei territories is planned for July.