Thanks to the collaboration with Cesviter Consulting, the opening of a new office in the Andalusian city is a reality.

"Seizing an opportunity in a moment of difficulty" has been the motto that in recent years has characterized the activity of Focus Europe, our association that over the years has managed to expand its membership base not only in Italy but also in Europe.
This was also possible thanks to the collaboration with technical and strategic partners, such as Cesviter Consulting , with which today we announce the opening of a new office in Spain, in Malaga .
New headquarters that is one of the concrete responses to the ever-increasing interest of Spanish local authorities, regions and universities in Focus Europe and to a constant request for technical support to carry out their activities.
The expansion of the membership base in Spain is another step towards Focus Europe achieving the goal set with the project “ The Network of European Territories” , a vision of the leaders of our association which aims to include in its network more and more “territories” of Southern Europe.