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Focus Europe, in collaboration with ANCI Sardegna and a prestigious European partnership, has officially presented the project Good Supply Chain: Disconnecting Agricultural Workers' Exploitation from Migration Policies towards a Human Rights Approach in the European Union

Focus Europe, in collaboration with ANCI Sardegna and a prestigious European partnership, has officially presented the project Good Supply Chain: Disconnecting Agricultural Workers' Exploitation from Migration Policies towards a Human Rights Approach in the European Union , within the CERV programme (CERV-2024-CHAR-LITI). The initiative aims to combat the exploitation of agricultural workers, in particular those with a migrant background, through the application of the principles enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.


ANCI Sardinia at the helm of the project


ANCI Sardegna will be the coordinator of the project, confirming its important role in promoting inclusive policies and supporting workers' rights. The project will see the participation of a large partnership composed of Focus Europe, the Province of Foggia, the Tramontana Region (Malta) and Mediterranea Berlin (Germany), each with a key role in the implementation of the activities.


Main objectives


The Good Supply Chain project focuses on eliminating undeclared work and labor exploitation in the agricultural sector, promoting a human rights-based approach. The project's main objectives include:

  • Strengthen awareness and implementation of labour standards and rights under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.

  • Empower workers, especially migrants and vulnerable groups, by promoting active participation in civic life.

  • Provide concrete tools to local authorities, trade unions and small and medium-sized enterprises to prevent and combat exploitation.


Actions and expected impact


Among the activities planned by the project:

  • Specialized training for local authorities, trade unions and SMEs on preventing undeclared work and supporting vulnerable workers.

  • Participatory research that will directly involve local communities and workers to identify effective solutions against exploitation.

  • International cooperation with partners in Italy, Malta and Germany to share best practices and develop innovative policy recommendations.


A strategic partnership


The partnership involves organizations with complementary experiences. Focus Europe, with its network of over one hundred European municipalities, will contribute to the coordination and dissemination of the project. The Province of Foggia and the Tramontana Region will bring their contribution in terms of territorial management and social inclusion, while Mediterranea Berlin will be responsible for communication and awareness-raising activities at European level.

Sustainability and future prospects


The Good Supply Chain project aims to ensure long-term sustainability, through the creation of dialogue platforms and the sharing of training resources that will remain accessible even after the end of European funding. The activities and materials produced will contribute to raising awareness of agricultural workers' rights and promoting more ethical agricultural practices throughout the European Union.


Stay tuned for updates on the project’s progress and how it is helping improve working conditions in the agricultural sector.


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