In Palermo the final event of the "ResiliEurope" project created in collaboration with OTIE - Observatory on Tourism for Island Economy

From next March 30th the city of Palermo will be at the center of the European debate thanks to the participation of institutional representatives and civil society from thirteen different European countries in the activities of the ResiliEurope project, funded by the European Commission to ASEL - Associazione Sarda Enti Locali as part of the Europe for Citizens program.
Thanks to the collaboration between ASEL , Focus Europe and OTIE , local administrators from Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Corsica, Germany, Greece, Malta, Montenegro, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Sweden, together with Italian delegates, will address the issue of resilience in a time of serious economic and social crisis, with the aim of promoting the participation of European citizens in the life of the Union.
In detail, the final event in Palermo, in addition to summarizing what has been built in the last two years of project activities, will focus on two important themes: hospitality and solidarity.
The event will culminate in a public conference, which will be held from 9:30 am on March 31st in the splendid setting of the Royal Palace - Palazzo dei Normanni, where the delegation will be welcomed by the Hon. Nuccio Di Paola - Deputy Vice President of the Sicilian Regional Assembly and the Mayor of Palermo Roberto Lagalla .
The conference will be broadcast live on the project's Facebook page ( ) and on our website.
The complete agenda of the event is available on the website .